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Bell Canoe Northwind

The Northwind is Bell's most popular tripping canoe, and for good reason. This canoe tracks beautifully, is maneuverable enough to follow tight shorelines, is stable, and can take a bunch of gear. Gorgeous finish is characteristic of Bell and shines through on all the material options.

The Royalex version of this canoe is a foot shorter than the composite, which gives a little more maneuverability. The Royalex version can be used for light river tripping. Just remember to portage the big stuff.


Length 17 ft 6 in (5.33 m) / 16 ft 6 in (5.03 m) - Royalex
Width (gunwale) 32 in (81 cm)
Width (maximum) 36 in (91 cm)
Width (waterline) 32 in (81 cm)
Bow Rocker 2.5 in (6.3 cm)
Stern Rocker 1.5 in (3.8 cm)
Weight Kevlight - 42 lbs, Black Gold - 47 lbs, Royalex - 60 lbs