Wilderness Supply E-Newsletter January 21, 2011

As the bustle of the holidays dies down, there's no better time to pull out your winter gear, polish up those new year's resolutions and get outdoors.  Fight the winter blues this January by enjoying all Canada has to offer; try a new cross-country ski trail, plan a snowshoe adventure, or make the most of indoor training opportunities to brush up your skills for next spring.

40% OFF!

All Outdoor winter clothing!

Email Readers - Get the Jump on our winter 40% OFF SALE!


Sale Starts: Saturday January 22, 2011

Sale Ends: Closing, Saturday January 29, 2011

New Year's Resolutions You'll Actually Enjoy Keeping

Once a year we sit back, get serious and bombard ourselves with plans and goals for the coming 12 months.  Lose 15 pounds; work out 5 times a week; win the Nobel peace prize.  Most resolutions won't survive the first two weeks, let alone the first two months.  It's just hard to maintain an activity you're not particularly invested in.

Resolutions are great, but having a good time is even greater.  With that in mind on this last day of 2010 I've come up with some resolutions you might actually enjoy keeping applicable to pretty much any outdoor activity.  Use them well, and use them often - imagine how good you'd feel actually completing a resolution this year!

1. Learn a New Skill

It's tempting once we reach a certain level to become complacent.  If you're looking to make your adventures more interesting--and improve while you're at it--challenge yourself to learn a new skill this year.  Paddlers could take a course on water rescue, perfect a new stroke or trick, or master a fluid roll.  Climbers could work on their route reading, abseiling or leading.  No mater your competency level, there are always new skills and techniques to try in any sport - make it your goal to extend your repertoire this year.

2. Try New Gear

Just as we can get used to the same skill set, we can also get used to using the same gear.  There's nothing wrong with loyalty to tried-and-tested products, but sometimes changing up the gear we use can lend fresh insight and interest to an activity.  Hiker?  See how a few ultralight changes can decrease your pack weight and increase your distance.  Skier?  Pick up a few new waxes and decide for sure which one gives the best glide.  Gear research and development is ongoing; if it's been a while since you changed things up it's time to see what's new out there.  Decide you're going to be the local expert on one kind of gear - not only will you know you're using the best out there, you'll also become the go-to-person for family and friends!

3. Try a New Location ...

Read the full post on our Blog on a Log

Events / Courses

Winnipeg Ski Waxing Clinics

Now that the snow is here, the skis are out!  Whether you are a beginner or just need a refresher on waxing your skinny skis, let our experts help improve your ski times and enjoyment this season at a waxing clinic.  Learn how to properly apply both grip wax and glide wax, (essential skills if you're a cross-country skier!) at one of our 1.5 hour sessions.

Next Clinic: February 8. Courses include all wax and waxing equipment.

Sign up today HERE!

Kayaking Pool Sessions

Kayak pool sessions continue to run throughout January and February.  Learn the fundamentals of the kayak roll, polish your roll, practice partner rescues or bracing, get a freestyling introduction, or try an "intro to kayaking" to learn the basics and feel comfortable in the water.  Keep your skills fresh or learn something new so you're ready to hit the water as soon as the ice goes out. Full course list here.

Intro to Kayaking Course (Winnipeg Indoor)

Learn how to kayak! Next course date is March 20 - REGISTER HERE

WAVpaddling 2011 Winnipeg Courses are now LISTED ONLINEHERE - REGISTRATION OPEN!

REEL Paddling Film Festival - Winnipeg

Save the date!

This year's REEL Paddling Film Festival will be held on Tuesday April 19 at the Gas Station Theatre (Osborne) - more information will follow in the next couple of newsletters.

Wild Adventurers

Congratulations to Lauren Norquay, who won the draw for a free North Face down sleeping bag at our Winnipeg store.

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