WAVpaddling News Release

February 2009: WAVpaddling Kayaking School has merged with The Wilderness Supply Company in Winnipeg. WAVpaddling will continue to offer instructional programs to kayaking students at all levels with a focus on safety, fun, and learning.

" In 1995, I started teaching kayaking in Manitoba. It was the same summer the Wilderness Supply Company opened their doors to the public. Since then, we have both maintained a very active role in this paddling community and have really enjoyed the journey, together. We see this merger to be a perfect fit in order to continue to serve the paddling community with a natural integration of quality gear, service excellence, world class instruction, and community development". Mick Lautt - founder - WAVpaddling Kayaking School

In addition to starting and operating an experiential learning / outdoor adventure company, and multiple other work projects, Mick founded WAVpaddling Kayaking school in order to offer a very specialized service to paddlers in this province. Since then things have gotten very busy. Currently, with two kids and an HR consulting business as well as multiple projects and community commitments that take up his time, Mick is excited to be able to pass along the business management aspect of WAVpaddling to Rick Shone, at the Wilderness Supply Company.

"During this time of change in my life, it was important for me to find a partner that could carry on my mission of providing transformational instructional experiences while growing and contributing to the paddling community. I don't have the time to manage the business of WAVpaddling anymore. But I will always have the time to spend with students, to pass along what I know of paddling and to continue to learn from each individual who I share the water with. In a way, this merger keeps that dream alive and allows me to stay involved in the community and teaching, while confident that WAVpaddling as a business will increase it's accessibility, full service and support to paddlers, and efficient registration and operating systems. I'm pretty happy about this and I know our students will benefit!" Mick Lautt

Mick will be staying on as Head Instructor and will continue to teach and support students through a host of courses and programs in 2009. He will continue as the River Kayaking Chair for Paddle Manitoba and the River Kayaking Program Development Committee Chair for Paddle Canada. Mick will also be staying involved as an active member of the Manitoba Whitewater Club.

Our 2009 schedule should be posted by March 1 so please check back with the site then or contact us if you have any questions.

Team WAV - WAVpaddling